We all rely on our technology these days and when something unexpected happens it can throw us a curve.
Microsoft is pushing the Windows 10 upgrade even more now. While we like a lot of features of Windows 10, we feel users need to schedule this time rather than have it happen on the fly which is always when you need to get payroll out or complete that important proposal for a client. Also please be aware some of your software or peripherals may not work with Windows 10. There is planning required before upgrading your operating system.
We have a link below to a document describing the process of downloading software that currently blocks the Windows 10 upgrade. However Microsoft is working to get around these kind of packages.
Thank you to Ultimate Outsider for creating this software to help users with this.
Please contact EKG Networking, Inc for all your business IT needs.
Thank you to Daniel Grimm, IT Support Technician at EKG Networking for compiling the documentation and testing the products.