With the current release of Windows 10, there are many people willing and ready to upgrade from their previous Operating system. Many loyal Windows users were not too happy about the Windows 8 model and were looking for something better. Microsoft decided it was time to cater to what the people wanted when they developed Windows 10, and it shows.
Desktop users can rest assured knowing their once familiar settings are back in an updated Operating System. This new system caters to not only the desktop user, but also the tablet and the phone user.
With a new Operating System, comes new threats to compromise it. Unfortunately, there are programmers out there that have already created a new threat that targets the new Operating system.
It comes in the form of email that seems legitimately from Microsoft, but is most definitely not.
Once you double-click on the attached file that is included within the email, you will become infected with the ransomware software.
If you have reserved the Windows 10 upgrade, you will be notified by the small Windows icon in the lower right hand toolbar by the clock. Microsoft will NOT send you an email with an attachment in it.
Always being on your guard is a good way to think of it.
Here is a link to an article that explains everything in a more involved manor.
– Daniel Grimm