We are all too busy these days. When an email comes into our inbox, we want to deal with it right away. When it has an attachment that is “shared” our brains think, “oh look, something for me, I must check it now”.
Avoid that impulse! This will help you avoid most attacks. It may seem silly but something we tell our clients is we can put all the software in the world in place but they will still build a better bad piece of malware. Be proactive, think before you click on the attachment.
If you notice below; the email looks to come from verified@dropbox.com and says it’s “secured”.
The nicest touch. P.S. Learn how to protect your account.

What this email will do if you open it, probably ask for your account and password for Dropbox and start to spread yuck across your Dropbox. Or install some nice piece of ransomware to encrypt your hard drive.
This is not exclusive to Dropbox. We are seeing this across the board.
Notice the email address it’s coming from. Not Dropbox. These emails will be subtle but will not come from the company.
When in doubt, call the person directly you think is sending you the email or go to the company website directly to login to your account.
Or call you trusted IT partner.