As the news catches up again reporting things that have been out for a bit, we have clients contacting us.
Our clients are not using the OpenSSL so do not need to worry.
Personally there are things you need to watch and they bring us all back to the basics;
1. Change your passwords often. A great example, when you come back from vacation change anything you logged into during that time. (Better yet, unplug and then that will not be necessary).
2. Keep your social media and your other passwords separate and vastly different.
3. Wait five seconds and think before clicking on any pop ups, answering emails that you did not request or giving information to people over the phone.
In some cases this is a hurry up and wait until each website fixes their piece.
Mashable has a great website detailing what you need to worry about and watch with this particular bug:
As always, everything old is new again and digital.
Think before you click.