TFA- Two Factor Authentication – An Important Part of Your Cybersecurity.
Treat Cybersecurity like housekeeping
While October is cybersecurity month; it’s time to think about cybersecurity as a housekeeping task. Something you address or do on a regular basis, rather than doing a technology crisis. you may be getting overwhelmed with all the information and things to do to keep your information secure. We will review the steps you can take to secure the important technology assets in your life.
A great way to start is by adding two factor authentication. Two Factor Authentication (TFA) has been developed as a fail safe to protect you in case your password is obtained by bad people. In this example, we will add two factor authentication (TFA) to an email account.
When setting up a new device or accessing your account from an unrecognized computer, TFA requires that you prove yourself. After you enter your password, you will be asked for a series of numbers that are sent via a text message to your phone or via an “Authentication App” installed on your phone.
The first step is the “Authentication App”. These apps can be used to secure many accounts in your life. Once you get used to the app, it will become second nature and give you a better sense of security.
This is a software that will generate a random code on your cell phone.
Whether you are a Windows, Mac or Google human, you can find an Authenticator to download to your smart phone.
Windows Microsoft Authenticator App through the Microsoft Store
Mac Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator App through the AppStore
Google Google Authenticator through the Google Play Store
Once you have downloaded and installed the authenticator app, you will need to allow it access to your camera. It does not need other access to provide the information you require.
Take one email or account at a time and complete the process fully before moving on to the next account.
In the example below we use Microsoft Office 365. Note: Remember these processes change over time. This example instructions may have changed on Microsoft Office 365 but the process remains the same.
How to configure Two Factor Authentication
Once two factor authentication has been enabled, please do the following
1. Install the Microsoft Authenticator App to your smart phone by searching your app store for it.
2. On you PC, open your browser and go to:
3. Login with your full office 365 email address.
4. You will be directed to the following screen with the message on the right. Your email address will be displayed in the center part of the screen. Select the blue “Set it up now” button.